Stephanie Lenertz




A creative professional with a passion for creating intuitive products that enhance people's everyday lives.

UX Design Case Studies

Some of these case studies are password protected. To gain access, contact me!

  • Global navigation redesign

    A comprehensive redesign to the global navigation of and Created with consideration of brand and design system, using methods including low and high fidelity prototyping.

  • Drug search experience

    Improving UCare’s drug search experience included usability testing, making tech stack and business decisions, and completing design and structural updates, including information architecture, page hierarchy, and layout consistency.

  • Information architecture research

    To understand how to improve UCare’s global navigation, I conducted a closed card sort study with three current UCare members. This resulted in relevant findings and recommendations which I am implementing now.

  • Medicaid website reorganization

    A UX redesign using existing visual components, including updates to information architecture, page layout/hierarchy, component usage, branding imagery, and copywriting consistency.

  • UCare: Provider search tool usability testing

    A usability evaluation resulting in an information architecture diagram, a heuristic analysis, and moderated usability testing delivered in the form of a comprehensive usability test report.

  • Design extension: Culture Booster

    A design extension with consideration to the company’s development budget. Created using methods such as competitive analysis, user journey maps, Kano analysis, rapid prototyping, and low and high fidelity annotated wireframes.
